The Memory of Coral Microbiomes

Did you know that coral reefs are living
organisms? What looks like a stationary
rock or plant is actually a colony of tiny
animals called coral polyps, from the same
group of animals as sea anemones and some
jellyfish. Coral polyps and the reefs they create
are facing numerous threats to their... Read more


The world is full of people who discover things — big things, little things, mysterious things. While the rest of us eat breakfast or go to class or IM, scientists do science.

Teams of people may work for months or years to advance a piece of knowledge; they depend on the people who came before; they help the people who come later.

What A Year! highlights a breakthrough each month and gives some information about the people behind it. You can learn what's going on in your scientific back yard, and to dig a lot deeper if you want.

Have a great year!

The Memory of Coral Microbiomes Aging is for Everyone The Reading Brain Improving Vaccines for Malaria
The Memory of Coral Microbiomes
>> 03.24
Aging is for Everyone
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Award Letter "What A Year!" receives a 2008 Will Solemine Award for Excellence in Biomedical Communication and the Neil Duane Award for Distinction in Biomedical Communication.

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